On Nov 20,2004 We lost our beloved Lady.
We had her ever since she was a puppy; she was 14 yrs old.
She died in my husbands arms, while we both petted her,
so I know she knew she was loved to the very end.

Lady was a very devoted to her family dog. In her last couple of years of life, she developed cateracts in her eyes, arthrits in her hips, and in her last few days, she lost her sight totally. I think that scared her 'cause she would cry in a way I never heard her cry before.

As a puppy she was so cute, with her ears longer then her front legs. She was always tripping over her ears and crying. It was hard to spank her when she did something wrong once she turned those big brown eyes on you.

She loved to play ball with a tennis ball, We always got her new ones for Christmas. She always got a new teddy bear; she loved to play with it and sleep with it. She always looked after Goldie our cat, they were raised together. They got along really good for a cat and a dog.

She had obedence training. She loved going to her class, just her and her dad. It was so funny one time, Roger was telling the kids to shut up and sit down, Lady was the first to sit.

Another thing I remember, her first night with us she cried. It was the first time away from her mom. I made a bed for her, had a pillow, a clock under it, and a teddy bear. But first little cry from her Roger had her in bed with us, and there she was every night until she got too crippled to jump up on the bed, then she was content to sleep on the floor on a pillow, and she had her blanket and teddy bear.

Thanks to my Diva Sister Peggy for the beautiful banner she made, using a pic of a real rainbow taken here in Nevada and a picture of Lady.

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